RGB Values around the private parts area.

Thank you for shopping at Samurai HQ, and the following is the RGB values of the skin tones for males private parts.

Basic Tones Pack

Default Tone :      R158. G107. B96
Beige Tone :        R122. G86. B84
Chestnut Tone :    R109.G73.B73
Darker Tone :       R131. G88. B81
Darker V2 Tone  : R94. G55. B48

Albino Tones Pack

Ghost Tone  :       R199. G170. B164
Shell Tone  :         R189. G155. B150
Vanilla Tone  :       R176. G140. B133
Ivory Tone   :        R164. G123. B117
Nude Tone :         R150. G109. B103

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